So here's my big "donate for the holidays" pitch.
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know I have decided to give back by taking part in Bust a Move, a fundraiser for the BC Cancer Foundation.
Last month, there was a lot of news and kvetching online about pink nausea. And frankly, I agreed with a lot of what's been said.
A lot of us who have been left scarred emotionally and physically by cancer. We're angry, and no amount of pink is going to change that.
I'm not down with buying anything with a pink ribbon thrown onto it as an afterthought. Particularly carcinogen-laden products and junk-foods that are driving cancer rates.
What I am down with is helping fund research at the agency with the best record nationally of helping women survive this horrible disease.
The money raised by Bust a Move will go to the BC Cancer Agency where I received my treatments. It will drive research so oncologists are better able to treat and support breast cancer patients like me.
And I'm also a fan of getting women moving. Keeping fit is just one way I'm planning to keep those cancer cells the heck away from me for the rest of my life.
So for me, Bust a Move simply makes sense.
I have to raise a minimum of $1,000. So, if you are making charitable donations this Christmas season, whether in your name or in someone else's as a gift, please consider giving to the BC Cancer Agency through my fundraising efforts.
You can do this online.
Or if you prefer, you can print a donation form from this page, and fill it out to send with a cheque.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,